Where The Rubber Meets The Road

It is so exciting to see miles and miles of places like Texas and Florida being covered in new solar farms (ironic that these states are so anti “woke” especially on climate change…)
Too bad we are not building (or rebuilding, as one existed into the 1930s) a network of regular speed trains that serve every town with a population of 30,000+ with trains every 20-30 minutes, powered by on site solar. The initial costs would be cheaper than building interstate highways, the maintenance costs would be lower and the energy costs would be near zero, meaning people could travel faster, cheaper than with automobiles and most families would need one or no cars, so the savings to individuals would be astounding, all while we literally saved the earth.

What no one is talking about, is that if we switched all transport, cars and delivery trucks to full EV, the rubber tires create more greenhouse gas than the tailpipes…

my brother was skeptical, as was i the first time i heard this, so here is at least open credible source:


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